Objet :
"The VMware vExpert Award is given to individuals who have significantly contributed to the community of VMware users and helped spread the word about virtualization over the past year."
"Le mail reçu ce matin dans ma boîte à 6h00 :
Congratulations! On behalf of VMware, we would like to thank you for all the work you’ve done giving back to the virtualization community and sharing your expertise with others. We are pleased to present you with the VMware vExpert Award for 2009. VMware is giving this award to individuals who have contributed significantly to the community of VMware users over the past year. "
4 commentaires:
Félicitation maitre Yoda, ça sent le champagne !!!
Il doit rester deux trois bouteilles au fond de la salle info de SJB .... :)
pour info il y a eu environ 300 nominés.
Dommage Julien, tu casses le mythe!!!
Olivier, maintenant tout le monde sait où sont nos réserves ... va falloir les boire vite !!
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