TP03 : Title: Engineering Developments enabling the Virtual Datacenter - VMware, Cisco and EMC
Speaker: Chad Sakac, EMC, Vice President, VMware Technical Alliance; Ed Bugnion, Cisco, VP/CTO Server Virtualization and Access; Scott Davis, VMware, Chief Datacenter Architect CTO Office
Date/Time: Tuesday, 2/24 14:00
Location: Les Ambassadors 1/3
Abstract: When you start from the initial assumption of “virtualize every possible workload”, it affects how you design your datacenter at every layer. It also changes how the vendors that support you need to design their products – building servers, storage and networking “Built for the Virtual Datacenter-OS”. The infrastructure needs to understand and respond to the Virtual Datacenter OS layer demands for dynamic performance, availability and cost. EMC, Cisco and VMware share what they are doing together to help customers virtualize any workload, for any application, at any scale – and to integrate our common developments to make the server, network and storage layers transparent.
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